Recovery Rises Foundation is dedicated to creating opportunities, developing educational programs and establishing environments that foster sustainable well-being. We support individuals who are struggling with substance use disorders and their loved ones who are committed to living a life in recovery. We are the only foundation in Northeast Pennsylvania that deals exclusively with the addicted and their loved ones.
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Helping Individuals

We host more than 30 12-step support meetings each week at the Hall, in Scranton, Pa., and directly fund unmet or underserved recovery needs. The House Next Door, a women’s residence in Scranton for those who have recently completed a center-based recovery program.

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Helping Families

We aid individuals with a substance use disorder and their loved ones through our Families Helping Families program’s weekly meetings, Al-Anon and other 12-step support meetings that are open to all.

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Helping Organizations

We partner with and/or fund local organizations that help elevate recovery and family support. Examples include Outreach, Center for Community Resources; Children’s Advocacy Center of NEPA; and St. Joseph’s Center – each of which directly or indirectly serves or supports recovering addicts and affected family members.



Honesty with oneself and with others.


Kindness towards oneself and others.


Gratitude for all things, including the recovery process.


Willingness to help others by sharing one’s personal recovery experience, strength, and hope.


Respect and compassion for self, family members, and friends.


Self motivation to achieve our goals, no matter how challenging.


Finding meaning in your work, activities, responsibilities, and beliefs.


Realization that a power greater than oneself will aid in one’s recovery.


Join a 12-step recovery meeting at The Hall or explore our Families Helping Families program – supporting the loved ones of those who are addicted or in recovery. Learn about each one of our programs below.

The Hall

Families Helping Families

The House Next Door

Grant Program


“Through our partnership with the Recovery Rises Foundation, we are better positioned to help individuals in recovery and their families. With over 90% of our participants affected by substance use disorders, we are better equipped to support their interactions with the criminal justice and welfare systems, remove barriers to education and employment, and help them achieve family stability and economic self-sufficiency. We look forward to further partnering with Recovery Rises in The House Next Door, where we’ll house and care for women in recovery beginning in 2023.”
Lori Chaffers Executive Director Outreach,
Center for Community Resources
“We are so grateful to the Recovery Rises Foundation. Because of your generosity, we are strengthening our services for children—a segment of the drug and alcohol recovery community who are often underserved.”
Marsha Pigga Executive Director Children’s Advocacy Center of NEPA
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Support Us

The Recovery Rises Foundation is a public 501(c)(3) organization serving the unmet and/or underserved needs of community members working to maintain sobriety and their families. Gifts of any size are most appreciated and will be directed to fund operations of The House Next Door, our sober women’s residence.